There are no laws in Alabama requiring confinement facilities to report on the number of pregnant individuals within their walls.
Alabama has 3 women's correctional facilities (run by ADOC), 67 county detention facilities, and a number of municipal confinement facilities.
We know how many pregnant women are admitted into ADOC custody each year because our programming reaches them. But we don't know much more than that. There could be as many or probably MORE women pregnant in county and city jails.
Will you help us count them? If you have a pregnant loved one that is locked up somewhere in Alabama, please fill out the form below. If you would like to be a citizen data gatherer and are willing to contact your local jail to ask for a current number of people who are pregnant, you can also fill out the form below with any information they give you. You are a taxpayer, and this is public information, as long as it is de-identified.
Information you provide to us will be tallied on a regular basis and will help give us a better understanding of the scope of this problem and how our state is managing it.
We thank you for your assistance!